Remembering Karen

1999 - 2004

Created by elsiestar 12 years ago
We remember her smile, warmth, her good sense of humor and her laugh also her Faith in God. When Gordon was in office in Masonry she supported him in the endeavor. Karen was a good wife. There were a lot of Masonic activities that we attended and I looked forward to seeing Karen. One such time she was doing the collation for the Masons and she brought the children and her infant daughter, Lauren. Lauren was crying and I said "let me hold the baby." She gave me the baby to hold and I put lauren to sleep. Karen said, oyou have the magic touch. After that when I spoke to her I would say, "how is my baby?" She would tell me how Lauren was doing. The years come and go so swiftly. The children have grown and now the youngest daughter is in High School, I can't believe it. Karen and Gordon's children were well behaved. Karen was also an organizer and we talked about that at length of organizing. She will be missed by many. We will remember her often and always smiling. All you need to do is to look at her children and you will see Karen smiling. Fraternally and with Love, Elsie Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian, PM Brother of the "Gate"